In Memory of Our Beloved Friend, Francis Lai

Francis Lai has passed away on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at the age of 86. Francis was our client, and more importantly, a loving friend, a genuine and kind soul, and a legendary musician and composer.

It is with our deepest condolences that we reflect on such a tremendous human being leaving us. Our thoughts and prayers goes out to his loved once and family, and to all his fans and supporters throughout the world. Let us also remember his music and for the joy, tears and happiness that it’ll continue to bring for many years to come.


“Francis Lai est décédé le mercredi 7 novembre 2018, à 86 ans. Francis était notre client, et plus important, un ami proche, une âme sincère et généreuse, ainsi qu’un musicien et compositeur légendaire.

Nous exprimons toutes nos condoléances en apprenant cette triste nouvelle. Nos pensées vont à sa famille, ses amis, ainsi qu’à tous ses fans à travers le monde. Gardons en mémoire sa musique, ainsi que la joie et le bonheur quelle continuera à nous apporter pour les années à venir.”