Cliff Martinez: One of the Best Composers of the 21st Century and has 2 Best EDM-Related Soundtracks of the Last 20 Years

Cliff Martinez is mentioned in 2 of the 10 best EDM-related soundtracks of the last 20 years, according to Dance Music Northwest online. He is praised for ‘The Neon Demon’ and ‘Spring Breakers’ and is said to have become synonymous with wonderfully curated dance music soundtracks. To read the full article click on the link below.

10 of the Best EDM-Related Soundtracks of the Last 20 Years


He is also praised as one of the top 12 best composers of the 21st century, according to Starting off as the drummer for The Red Hot Chili Peppers, his roots in rock have helped distinguish him as one of the best composers of our time as his scores fuse percussion and synthesizers to ooze retro-futuristic vibes. His use of electronic dance music against gritty mise-en-scene is always a major selling point for any project with his name on it. To read the full article visit the link below:



Cliff Martinez –